Saturday, October 23, 2010

Can you be Homesick without missing home?

Wow, to say I have neglected the blog is an understatement, but even though it's been neglected, I think of it often and miss it.

So today I cried for the first time since moving to CA. I'm not sure what I was crying for, but something was whelming up in me, and had to come out. It's a feeling of homesick and missing, but I like it out here. I like my job and my co-workers, and the area, and the weather. But what I think I miss is that comfort zone, that longing for a simpler time, when I didn't have heavy decisions on my mind. I don't even think the longing goes back to when I lived in Wilmington, NC for 6 years. I think the homesick feeling goes all the way back to when I lived in Savannah, GA just out of college - no worries, no debt, no mortgage - just living and enjoying. Now I'm struggling with trying to sell a home 3000 miles away in a dismal market - and it's such a darling little house, and suited me - and understanding my new role in my career where I knew what to do for all these years, and now I don't. I'm ready for the time when this becomes my comfort zone, but going through the struggling time is what makes us who we are.

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